Ladies Ministry
“A woman of excellence, who will find? For her worth is far more than precious jewels.” – Proverbs 31:10 LEB
Luke 8 teaches us that Jesus had among his closest disciples a group of women that traveled with him, ministered along side him, and even helped fund his ministry. Women were also integral in announcing the coming of Jesus (Luke 1), and the first to deliver the Gospel of Jesus’ resurrection to others (Luke 24). We should not view our worth as the world views us, but as our Lord does—vital workers of God’s Kingdom, co-laborers of our Lord, and bearers of his Image (Gen. 1).
We are blessed at Countryside to have such an active ladies ministry. Each week, we join together for a Bible study on Thursday afternoons at 1pm, and meet monthly for a fellowship breakfast.
Throughout the month we also get together for fun activities. Sometimes it’s crafting, other times we meet for lunch or dinner around town. Sometimes we go to the movies, or berry picking. We’re always looking for fun fellowship ideas!
We also join together in ministering to our community. Whether it’s supporting a local charity, visiting at local nursing homes, providing meals and support for the sick or bereaved, feeding the hungry through our local food pantry, or a multitude of other ways.
Join us for our next event as we connect with each other, grow in our faith, serve our church family, and go with the Gospel into our communities.

Debbie Hilton | 417-838-7910